Beggars can't be winners
That's not how the saying goes. But I like it this way better.
Everyone's had a time when someone said, 'Beggars can't be choosers.' I guess it's a way of saying you should be grateful for what other people are doing for you.
No one wants to be a beggar, to have to rely on others for anything. We want to be self-sufficient. I imagine it's some sort of instinctual thing that we strive to be in power.
I want to be able to offer something valuable to people every day. I don't know the way to do this, so I try to do a lot of things. Maybe someone will connect with something I create and be inspired to create something of their own. If I do enough live shows, write enough blog posts, create enough podcasts and post enough videos maybe 1 out of 10 will be good. Those numbers suck but I'm ok with it.
A lot of people (especially entertainers) believe everything they touch is gold and they are amazing. That's not me. I know everything I do isn't going to change lives but 10% of what I do might.
That just means I better keep creating a lot of things. Maybe I'll get better and that number will change to 20% or 50%. It'll never be 100%. I'm thankful for that. It's the failures that make the successes so exciting.
My recent post about rejection and striving to be better (read here) is the most successful post on this site. This was due to a handful of Facebook friends sharing it. The best feeling ever is to see that people enjoy something you've created so much that they take the effort to share it with all their friends. Thanks for doing that.
But the next day something surprised me. I THOUGHT I'd be inspired to write another post that people will love.
I realized that the next post probably won't be so well received. I wanted to take in another day of glory from that post instead of posting something that might not be as amazing.
The other day I made this skateboard because I was stuck inside from a snowstorm. I know this didn't help anyone, but I felt like I accomplished something. This didn't exist and now it does because of me.
I wanted to share it again and beg more people to click it. It would extend my illusion of winning for one more day.
That's not how it works. I have to keep creating. I need to work through my next 9 posts to find the next gem. Maybe it won't be 9, maybe it'll be 20. Or maybe the next one will be killer. When I hit the submit button, I have no idea what will happen.
I only know what will happen if I don't hit the button. No one will read. No one will share. No one will care.
I want people to read. I want people to share. I want people to be inspired. I want to inspire people to create something that inspires me. It's a circle where everyone wins. We can win together. They say it's lonely at the top, but that's only if you're there by yourself. I'm on my way and I'm bringing all of you with me.
I want to win. I want you to win. No one needs to lose. Losers lose. We're not losers. We're winners.
Stop begging.
Start choosing.
Let's keep creating.
Let's keep winning.