All your dreams will never come true. Here's why you need to keep dreaming anyway.
Ever wonder what would happen if all your dreams came true? Don't worry, it'll never happen. Now I'm not saying you won't accomplish all your current goals. You got this.
Isn't there some saying about as you approach the horizon it just keeps on getting further away?
That's what happens to your dreams and goals. That place you're trying to get to is reachable. It's a lot closer than you think. But as soon as you approach, something shiny and new appears on a new distant horizon. Calling your name, tempting you to go further. Maybe it's comfortable right where you are. Maybe you're happy that you've accomplished all that you have. But I bet you can't resist that frontier. It's almost mocking you, "I bet you can't catch me."
Don't tell me I can't do something.
I can do anything. I can do everything.
Well I can't do everything yet. But I'm trying. I'm learning. I'm running as fast as I can to that horizon, but it's running faster. I need to learn how to run faster. Maybe it's not about running, but figuring out a way to move faster with less effort. I think that's what learning is. That's what wisdom is. There's no shortcut to wisdom. You can't read about it. You can't learn it. You need to live it. I want to live.
I took this photo in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Somewhere I never imagined I'd ever be. My dreams get bigger by the minute. I hope yours do too.
Life is a big high speed chase. You're either part of it or you're watching it on the big screen.
You're either chasing or being chased.
You get to pick.
Lead or follow.
I want to lead. I'm a leader. I don't want to learn someone else's lessons. I don't want anyone else's wisdom. I'm searching the ever expanding frontier for something that I don't even know exists. Maybe I'll know it when I see it or maybe it will never be.
It's not about finding anything. It's about searching.
Maybe the horizon will keep getting further away. I sure hope so.
I never want to arrive.
Keep going. If you're chasing, start leading. Make something so incredible that someone will chase you. Keep going til you're done.
And know this for sure. You'll never be done.